Sunday, November 8, 2009


my second paper was over personal debt. I talked about the different problems that come with having debt and getting into debt. some of those ways are that people seem to not know how to control their income with their spending habits. another problem with debt is the media and how they promote spending and not saving. It seems that in the U.S everyone wants to have the new and most expensive toys over the next person. Another way people seem to get into debt is by the personal loans that they take out and can not afford to pay back. one of the biggest factors in debt are credit cards and how easy they are to get and to spend. I also talk about some of the ways you can find help and to get out of debt. The problem that i am trying to anwser is why are we not educated in school about personal financing.We are eductated in many different feilds and we use this throughout our entire lives. The solution i propose is that it should be maditory in schools all the way through basics in college that you have to take personal financing classes. I think this will start educating people and slowly start decreasing the amount of debt people get into.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Stem Cells from aborted fetuses

I believe that we are doing more harm then good by not using the unborn fetuses that come from an abortion. I believe that stem cells will be the most important medical achievement of our life time and maybe of all time. There are many different ways to produce stem cells. One of the ways to produce them is by saving the babies umbilical cords. In this method no one is harmed but the cells are very limited but still useful. The best way and maybe the fastest way to do research is by using the unborn fetus from an abortion. I know that abortion is a very controversial subject but i believe that if it is legal then we should use what we can to help save lives. One of the problems i hear from abortion protesters is that we are killing a living thing but what i don't think they are understanding is if we have a breakthrough with stem cells then we will be saving millions of lives. not just American lives but all citizens of this world. Stem cells have the capability of "rebooting" as i will call it human organs or can cure diseases which are life threatening. If the fetus is already legally aborted then why shouldn't we use them instead of just disposing them. The cells from that fetus might just be the one to save your life or someone closest to you. This is why I believe it is important for all the fetuses to be used responsibly and morally to find a cure to save a life.